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This page provides a FAQ, along with a list of different links that lead to useful information for pet owners. It is frequently being updated for the convenience of our visitors. 


  • "Can you take a dog/cat that I have found?"

    • Due to N.M. having the highest rate of pet abandonment in America, we no longer intake pets unless they were PREVIOUSLY adopted from AnimalVillageNM. Please see the rescue resource guide at for intake assistance.​

  • "I am no longer able to keep my dog/cat, will you take them in?" 

    • Due to N.M. having the highest rate of pet abandonment in America, we no longer intake pets unless they were PREVIOUSLY adopted from AnimalVillageNM. Please see the rescue resource guide at for intake assistance.​​

  • "Are you a Veterinary Clinic/Do you provide veterinary services?"

    • AnimalVillageNM does NOT provide veterinary services. If you have a medical question about your pet, contact your local veterinarian.

  • "Are you still accepting (physical item) donations?"

    • AnimalVillageNM operates a year-round shoe drive, and accepts wearable footwear of all kinds at all Lincoln and Otero County First Savings Banks, Ruidoso Athletic Club, and Ruidoso Community Center. Aluminum cans are urgently needed and can be deposited in our 'can kennel' at the front of A.C.T. Recycling Center, 7025 Hwy. 70, Alamogordo. Thank you for thinking of the animals!​



Below are a series of links and phone numbers that provide more information to our site visitors. If you have any resources that may be considered useful, you may contact us at

  • â€‹â€‹

    • PetroglyphsNM is a comprehensive, breed, cat, dog, and size-specific list of over 100 New Mexico animal shelters and rescue organizations, along with a hub of information and resources for current and considering animal caretakers. This is the site that you would want to look over if you have a pet of any species that you wish to relinquish. Please note that many New Mexico has one of the highest pet abandonment rates in the United States, and so many, many animal shelters are understaffed and underfunded. Please show them appreciation and patience, and offer donations, so that your pet has a better chance of being accepted into a safe environment. 

  • Animal Protection of New Mexico (APNM)​

    • Animal Protection of New Mexico is an organization dedicated to ending animal cruelty in New Mexico and provides a vast amount of resources to those seeking to help local stray pets. They take the time and effort to monitor their cruelty hotline to stop animal abuse and neglect. This is an excellent resource if you are looking to help local animals or your personal pet. Provide at least 3 clear photos of your pet, a close-up of your pet’s face, a full body photo, and one with your pet looking at the camera, full body. Include the positive characteristics about your pet that made you fall in love with him or her, and let the rescue know what you have trained your pet to do. Be persistent and appreciative so that the rescue organization will keep your pet top-of-mind when an opening appears!

  • pet cost report 

    • BetterPet is a wonderful team of pet experts that provide resources for new and experienced pet guardians alike. Provided with this specific link, BetterPet provides in-depth information on how much caring for a dog or cat realistically costs. This is something that should be seriously considered by individuals seeking to adopt. Check out their website for other very helpful information and tips. 

  • Otero County Animal Facility

    • (575)-434-2959 ​

    • If you are in the Otero County, New Mexico area and you are dealing with a stray pet or an animal emergency, this is the phone number to their local animal control intake facility, charged with and funded by tax dollars to house stray pets. This is where guardians of lost pets will go to reclaim them, and this is who will be advertising them as found. AnimalVillageNM is NOT allowed to intake stray pets. We do not want to see dogs or cats killed, however, we must abide by the law.

  • Alamogordo City Animal Control 

    • (575)-439-4330

    • If you are in the Alamogordo, New Mexico area and you are dealing with a stray pet or an animal emergency, this is the phone number to their local animal control. AnimalVillageNM does not deal with dangerous or stray animals. We do not want to see dogs or cats killed, however, we must abide by the law.

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Animal Village NM

PO Box #564

1202 Sudderth Dr.

Ruidoso, NM 88345

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